Małgorzata Lech-Krawczyk
Małgorzata Lech-Krawczyk has graduated from the University of Wroclaw with a Master's Degree in Philosophy. An ethician and a graduate of Postgraduate Studies at the University of Economy in Wroclaw – the faculty of International Trade. For 16 years running her own business.
The Founder, co-founder, and Vice President of the Board of Educational Foundation Primo Loco – a Public Benefit Organisation. Also the Originator, Vice President, and a co-founder of Ogród Wyobraźni. An administrator of a pilot project Ja wolę przedszkole! - promotion of pre-school education in rural areas, financed from UE funds.
Mrs. Lech-Krawczyk founded the kindergarten for the sake of innovative methods of teaching, invented for her daughters and their peers.
She started to work with a Master in Pedagogy Anna Dąbrowska, who is a teacher with a long track record, a supporter of comprehensive development of a child since the youngest years, and an author of the curriculum A method of comprehensive stimulating the development of a child in pre-school education. From the beginning, this program is also cooperated by a music teacher Joanna Kościukiewicz and a speech therapist Urszula Urbańska-Lewicka.
She has met all of the project assumptions, and every year she perfects and extends the activity of the kindergarten.