School of Dialogue
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Since the beginning of the past school year, our kindergarten began to carry out the curriculum of Krzyżowa Foundation's School of Dialogue. During the current school year, the syllabus has been pursued in the group of youngest children. It has been proven that this teaching method supports the development of social-emotional abilities as well as teaches healthy habits when it comes to cooperation, which leads to children learning to respect other people. Throughout the classes, there also appear two plush helpers - Tiger and Monkey.
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The Three Beanies is the next component of the class cycle, carried out within the framework of School of Dialogue, during which children gain the ability of independent and constructive settlement of disputes. With the help of Tiger and Monkey, kids learn three methods of reacting to a conflict. Each method is symbolized by different colored beanies: red - conflict, blue - withdrawal, and yellow - solving a problem through cooperation and discussion. In our kindergarten, we encourage the use of the yellow beanie in case of conflicts. During the classes, we've had the honor to have Mr. Hans Scheltem, who successfully implements this teaching method in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Mr. Scheltem has great experience in the field of working with different schools, which he had shared with all of us.