Movement, speech and music therapy
Movement, speech, and music therapy classes are conducted by Ewa Juraszek, a family educator and speech therapist. She graduated from pedagogical studies at the University of Opole. She obtained the title of a speech therapist at the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences. She helps pre-schoolers and children suffering from neurological diseases, using speech therapy and correction of speech defects. Every week the movement, speech, and music therapy classes are held in all age groups, lasting 30 minutes each. After the initial diagnosis, Mrs. Juraszek also helps with and individual speech therapy.
Group speech therapy classes are based on the connection between movement and music. The main activity during classes are games and having fun. Then, naturally, children learn and develop through: breathing exercises, vocal exercises, exercises to improve articulatory organs, exercises to better large and small motor skills, auditory exercises, eye-hand coordination exercises, singing, and movement with music, as well as playing small musical instruments.
The program of group speech therapy classes for preschool children includes:
- speech therapy prophylaxis
- mouth and tongue gymnastics
- games developing the child's speech
- breathing exercises
- phonemic hearing exercises
- movement speech and music therapy games
- speech therapy games
- speech therapy fairy tales and poems
- coloring books and speech therapy puzzles