Price list
Payments for kindergarden in school year 2021/2022
entry fee
800,- PLN
each next year
400,- PLN
monthly fee (from)
1.400,- PLN
Within the tuition fee:
We are currently conducting the core curriculum for pre-school education faculties provided by the National Ministry of Education. Extension to said core curriculum is Anna Dąbrowska's authorial educational program: 'A method of comprehensive stimulating the development of a child in pre-school education', including classes:
- global reading since 3rd year of age, according to the program 'A method of comprehensive stimulating the development of a child in pre-school education'
- extended scope of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- a natural way of learning foreign languages:
- English - 4 times per week
- Russian - 2 times per week, taught by Slavic philologist
- music appreciation classes - 2 times per week
- movement, speech and music therapy - 1 time per week, helps to prevent speech impediment
- Religious Education
- movement, speech and music therapy using inter alia Sherborne Developmental Movement technique
- visual arts, using comprehensive art techniques
- relaxing activities with music instead of simple resting
- observation and natural science experiments (including trips during which children are learning about the world starting with the drop of water, ending with space) in cooperation with Nature Protection League
- participating with parents on various trips, family picnics, sports competitions or pre-school celebrations
All children are provided with a logopedic diagnosis.
We also recommend extracurricular activities from the paid services list:
- chess
- individual logopedic therapy session
- rehabilitation
- dance class
- individual singing and instrument playing lesson
The kindergarten is under the care of the Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Center based in Wrocław, Kościuszki 31/1 Street (offices – Braniborska 57 Street)